The new Purple Martin gourd houses at Milford Point Connecticut Audubon Coastal Center... House Sparrow resistant, maybe for nesting but they still like to hang out on them, even with fake martins.
Ring-billed Gull flying by at Milford Point, just a picture I like.

We have Wild Turkey every where at work. This one is in our new meadow.

Eastern Kingbirds have recently shown up at work too. I guess the meadow is bringing in insects too.

Some of the early nesters are done, here is a fledgling Northern Flicker who was hanging out with some fledgling Black-capped Chickadees next to the parking lot.

Our nesting Red-tailed Hawks are still being harassed by the Common Grackles.

So I FINALLY went to a mushroom foray with my club, the first in about 3 years. This little slug came in on a branch with some Mycena mushrooms.

And our most recent addition to the bird list at work. Willow Flycatcher. Sue heard one the other day and so at lunch I sat outside and finally go this shot. A week later we hadn't heard it again but today, I sat by the meadow and there was one in a tree a few feet away. Of course I didn't have a camera. Oh yeah, and this was a life bird for me!
Green darner dragonfly. Hey I'm an entomologist, these things catch my eye.

Great Egret who flew away to hang out with the Oyster Catchers.
Great Egret who flew away to hang out with the Oyster Catchers.
We have Wild Turkey every where at work. This one is in our new meadow.
Eastern Kingbirds have recently shown up at work too. I guess the meadow is bringing in insects too.
Some of the early nesters are done, here is a fledgling Northern Flicker who was hanging out with some fledgling Black-capped Chickadees next to the parking lot.
Our nesting Red-tailed Hawks are still being harassed by the Common Grackles.
So I FINALLY went to a mushroom foray with my club, the first in about 3 years. This little slug came in on a branch with some Mycena mushrooms.
A beautiful specimen of Tremella foliacea. I wish they all looked like this.

Here are the 2 tables of finds from the last Sunday foray, Frank was checking out the diversity.
Here are the 2 tables of finds from the last Sunday foray, Frank was checking out the diversity.
So a good little mix of recent activities. I'll probably go out mushrooming again Sunday.

Woops a couple more birds. Cedar Waxwings have also shown up to feed on the fruiting trees at work. There were at least 5 at one point.
Woops a couple more birds. Cedar Waxwings have also shown up to feed on the fruiting trees at work. There were at least 5 at one point.
And our most recent addition to the bird list at work. Willow Flycatcher. Sue heard one the other day and so at lunch I sat outside and finally go this shot. A week later we hadn't heard it again but today, I sat by the meadow and there was one in a tree a few feet away. Of course I didn't have a camera. Oh yeah, and this was a life bird for me!