Scaup in New Haven Harbor |
Spring crawls closer every day but the temperatures this past Sunday seemed the same as a month ago. Probably because they were. I took a few hours mid-day to try to add a couple of species to my year list. My totals are crawling slowly and steadily upward. My first stop was at East Shore park in New Haven, rumors of warblers and swallows enticed me. Maybe it was a little too cool or late for much activity but I didn't get any of my target species. I did manage to find a cute little Golden-crowned Kinglet, my first of the year.
Greater White-fronted Goose |
I was about to head home but feeling the pull of the chase I headed up to Wallingford, in search of the Greater White-fronted Goose that has been seen the past few weeks. I went to North Farms Reservoir and glanced over the geese scattered around the pond with no success. After enjoying nice views of the American Coot and the companionship of a nice couple out birding, a gaggle of around 200 Canada Geese flew in. Searching through the pack, I finally spotted the Greater White-fronted Goose on the far side of the water. Not a great picture but enough to ID the species. Looking back through emails later, I found that the bird was located earlier in the day in another pond in Wallingford.
Sanderling and Dunlin |
Headaing back to Stratford I stopped at Long Beach to see if I could pick up Common Goldeneye, one of the winter ducks that I haven't been able to find. Once again the species evaded me but I did manage to find my first Dunlin of the season. These shorebirds were mingling with Sanderling as they very frequently do. A nice three species added for the day. With any luck, I'll be able to pick a couple more up this weekend.